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/ Karel Tichý


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General Election Results in the UK

Source: House of Commons Library

KT Vývoj (KT Development), Karel Tichý, 27 Feb 2020


2019: 1. Conservative 43,6% ; 2. Labour 32,1% ;
——————– 3. LD 11,5% ; 4. PC/SNP 4,4% ; Other 8,4% .
2017: 1. Conservative 42,3% ; 2. Labour 40,0% ;
——————– 3. LD 7,4% ; 4. PC/SNP 3,5% ; Other 6,8% .


General Election Results – Share of votes (%)
1918: 1. Conservative 38,7% ; 2. LD 25,6% ;
——————– 3. Labour 20,8% ; Other 14,9% .
1922: 1. Conservative 38,5% ; 2. Labour 29,7% ;
——————– 3. LD 28,8% ; Other 3,0% .
1923: 1. Conservative 38,0% ; 2. Labour 30,7% ;
——————– 3. LD 29,7% ; Other 1,6% .
1924: 1. Conservative 46,8% ; 2. Labour 33,3% ;
——————– 3. LD 17,8% ; Other 2,1% .
1929: 1. Conservative 38,1% ; 2. Labour 37,1% ;
——————– 3. LD 23,5% ; 4. PC/SNP 0,0% ; Other 1,3% .
1931: 1. Conservative 60,7% ; 2. Labour 30,9% ;
——————– 3. LD 7,0% ; 4. PC/SNP 0,1% ; Other 1,3% .
1935: 1. Conservative 53,3% ; 2. Labour 38,0% ;
——————– 3. LD 6,7% ; 4. PC/SNP 0,1% ; Other 1,9% .
1945: 1. Labour 48,0% ; 2. Conservative 39,6% ;
——————– 3. LD 9,0% ; 4. PC/SNP 0,2% ; Other 3,2% .
1950: 1. Labour 46,1% ; 2. Conservative 43,4% ;
——————– 3. LD 9,1% ; 4. PC/SNP 0,1% ; Other 1,3% .
1951: 1. Labour 48,8% ; 2. Conservative 48,0% ;
——————– 3. LD 2,6% ; 4. PC/SNP 0,1% ; Other 0,6% .
1955: 1. Conservative 49,7% ; 2. Labour 46,4% ;
——————– 3. LD 2,7% ; 4. PC/SNP 0,2% ; Other 1,0% .
1959: 1. Conservative 49,4% ; 2. Labour 43,8% ;
——————– 3. LD 5,9% ; 4. PC/SNP 0,4% ; Other 0,6% .
1964: 1. Labour 44,1% ; 2. Conservative 43,4% ;
——————– 3. LD 11,2% ; 4. PC/SNP 0,5% ; Other 0,8% .
1966: 1. Labour 48,0% ; 2. Conservative 41,9% ;
——————– 3. LD 8,5% ; 4. PC/SNP 0,7% ; Other 0,9% .
1970: 1. Conservative 46,4% ; 2. Labour 43,1% ;
——————– 3. LD 7,5% ; 4. PC/SNP 1,7% ; Other 1,4% .
1974 (Feb): 1. Conservative 37,9% ; 2. Labour 37,2% ;
——————– 3. LD 19,3% ; 4. PC/SNP 2,6% ; Other 3,1% .
1974 (Oct): 1. Conservative 39,3% ; 2. Labour 35,8% ;
——————– 3. LD 18,3% ; 4. PC/SNP 3,4% ; Other 3,1% .
1979: 1. Conservative 43,9% ; 2. Labour 36,9% ;
——————– 3. LD 13,8% ; 4. PC/SNP 2,0% ; Other 3,3% .
1983: 1. Conservative 42,4% ; 2. Labour 27,6% ;
——————– 3. LD 25,4% ; 4. PC/SNP 1,5% ; Other 3,1% .
1987: 1. Conservative 42,3% ; 2. Labour 30,8% ;
——————– 3. LD 22,6% ; 4. PC/SNP 1,7% ; Other 2,6% .
1992: 1. Conservative 41,9% ; 2. Labour 34,4% ;
——————– 3. LD 17,8% ; 4. PC/SNP 2,3% ; Other 3,5% .
1997: 1. Labour 43,2% ; 2. Conservative 30,7% ;
——————– 3. LD 16,8% ; 4. PC/SNP 2,5% ; Other 6,8% .
2001: 1. Labour 40,7% ; 2. Conservative 31,6% ;
——————– 3. LD 18,3% ; 4. PC/SNP 2,5% ; Other 6,9% .
2005: 1. Labour 35,2% ; 2. Conservative 32,4% ;
——————– 3. LD 22,0% ; 4. PC/SNP 2,2% ; Other 8,2% .
2010: 1. Conservative 36,1% ; 2. Labour 29,0% ;
——————– 3. LD 23,0% ; 4. PC/SNP 2,2% ; Other 9,7% .
2015: 1. Conservative 36,8% ; 2. Labour 30,4% ;
——————– 3. LD 7,9% ; 4. PC/SNP 5,3% ; Other 6,8% .
2017: 1. Conservative 42,3% ; 2. Labour 40,0% ;
——————– 3. LD 7,4% ; 4. PC/SNP 3,5% ; Other 6,8% .
2019: 1. Conservative 43,6% ; 2. Labour 32,1% ;
——————– 3. LD 11,5% ; 4. PC/SNP 4,4% ; Other 19,5% .



Conservative = Conservative Party
Labour = Labour Party
LD = Liberal Democrats
PC/SNP = Plaid Cymru / Scottish National Party




Elections – Summary Information


United Kingdom

The results of the elections in the United Kingdom have been very similar for many years, the political scene is almost unchanged or there are very small changes. The winner is always one of the two dominant parties – the right-wing Conservative party (this party has more election victories) or the left-wing Labour party (fewer election victories).

General elections in the UK – Comparison of some results:

1922: 1. Conservative 38,5% ; 2. Labour 29,7% ;
——————– 3. LD 28,8% ; Other 3,0% .
1955: 1. Conservative 49,7% ; 2. Labour 46,4% ;
——————– 3. LD 2,7% ; 4. PC/SNP 0,2% ; Other 1,0% .
1970: 1. Conservative 46,4% ; 2. Labour 43,1% ;
——————– 3. LD 7,5% ; 4. PC/SNP 1,7% ; Other 1,4% .
2019: 1. Conservative 43,6% ; 2. Labour 32,1% ;
——————– 3. LD 11,5% ; 4. PC/SNP 4,4% ; Other 19,5% .


Czech Republic

From 1992 to 2013, the leadership of the state was constantly alternated by a pair of the permanent strongest parties – the right-wing party ODS and the left-wing party ČSSD (Czech Social Democratic Party). Since 2016, ANO 2011 (political centre) is the new strongest party. The results of the elections from 2006 to 2019 show the permanent drop of ČSSD: 2006: 30,32%, 2010: 22,21 %, 2013: 20,45 %, 2014: 14,17 %, 2017: 7,27 %, 2019: 3,95 %.

Comparison of two results:

2002 – Parliamentary election (Volby do Poslanecké sněmovny):
1. ČSSD 30,20 % ; 2. ODS 24,47 % ;
3. KSČM 18,51 % ; 4. KDU-ČSL + US-DEU 14,27 % ;
5. Sdružení nezávislých 2,78 % ; 6. Zelení 2,36 % .
2017 – Parliamentary election (Volby do Poslanecké sněmovny):
1. ANO 29,64 % ; 2. ODS 11,32 % ;
3. Piráti 10,79 % ; 4. SPD 10,64 % ;
5. KSČM 7,76 % ; 6. ČSSD 7,27 % ;
7. KDU-ČSL 5,80 % ; 8. TOP 09 5,31 % ;
9. STAN 5,18 % ; 10. Svobodní 1,56 % ;
11. Zelení 1,46 % ; 12. Rozumní 0,72 % ;
13. Realisté 0,71 % ; 14. Strana práv občanů 0,36 % .



Since 1949, one of the two dominant parties has always been the winner of the elections in Germany: The CDU/CSU coalition (common name Union) or the left-wing party SPD (social democracy). The CDU/CSU coalition won most national elections, SPD some of them. However, the position of these two dominant parties in Germany is gradually weakening and, on the contrary, the positions of Grüne (Greens, mainly in the West of the country) and AfD (Alternative for Germany, mainly in the East of the country) grow stronger.

Comparison of several results:

1965 – Federal election (BUNDESTAGSWAHL):
1. CDU/CSU 47,6 % (+2,3); 2. SPD 39,3 % (+3,1);
3. FDP 9,5 % (-3,3); Other 3,6 % (-2,1).
1990 – Federal election (BUNDESTAGSWAHL):
1. CDU/CSU 43,8 % (-0.5); 2. SPD 33,5 % (-3.5);
3. FDP 11,0 % (+1.9); 4. Grüne 3,8 % (-4.5);
5. PDS 2,4 % (+2.4); Other 4,2 % (+2,9).
2009 – European election (EUROPAWAHL – Deutschland):
1. CDU 30,7 % (-5,8); 2. SPD 20,8 % (-0,7);
3. Grüne 12,1 % (+0,2); 4. FDP 11,0 % (+4,9);
5. Linke 7,5 % (+1,4); 6. CSU 7,2 % (-0,8);
Other 10,8 % (+0,9).
2019 – European election (EUROPAWAHL – Deutschland):
1. CDU/CSU 28,9 % (-8,4); 2. Grüne 20,5 % (+9,8);
3. SPD 15,8 % (-11,5); 4. AfD 11,0 % (+3,9);
5. Linke 5,5 % (-1,9); 6. FDP 5,4 % (+2,0);
7. Die PARTEI 2,4 % (+1,8); 8. Freie Wähler 2,2 % (+0,7);
9. Tierschutz 1,4 % (+/-0); 10. ÖDP 1,0 % (+0,4);
11. Familie 2,2 % (+/-0); 12. Volt 0,7 % (+/-0);
13. Piraten 0,7 % (-0,7); Other 12,9 % (+4,1),



Compared to the other three countries, the elections in Italy are varied and changeable, with political parties in power changing more. In 2018 the strongest in the elections were Cinque Stelle, Partito democratico and Lega. The strongest coalition is (the right-wing) Centrodestra, to which Lega belongs.

Comparison of two results:

2008 – Elezioni politiche – CAMERA
1. PDL – Lega Nord – Mpa (Berlusconi) 46,8 % ;
2. Partito democratico – Italia Dei Valori (Veltroni) 37,5 % ;
3. Unione di centro 5,6 % .
2018 – Elezioni politiche – CAMERA
1. Cinque Stelle 32,7 % ; 2. Partito democratico 18,7 % ;
3. Lega 17,4 % ; 4. Forza Italia 14,0 % ;
5. Fratelli d’Italia 4,3 % ; 6. Liberi e uguali 3,4 % .
COALITIONS: 1. Centrodestra 37,0 % ; 2. Cinque Stelle 32,7 % ;
3. Centro sinistra 22,8 % .

Elections in the Czech Republic: here

Elections in Germany: here

Elections in Italy: here



House of Commons Library (UK elections)
UK Election Statistics: 1918-2019: A Century of Elections
page 12, General Election Results in the UK – Share of votes (%)


Elections in the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy:
See the other language versions






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„Karel Tichý elections“


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